miércoles, 26 de marzo de 2014

Nuclear material from Japan to United States

On a CNN article the journalist Euan McKirdy talks abouth the situation between Japan and the United States. The two countries signed an agreement which states that the nuclear material that is in Japan would be send to the US. The idea is to remove of all the hundreds of kilograms that the Asian contry has on its territory. Also they are looking for a better global nuclear security, they are working on improving it.

MLA: McKirdy, Euan. "Japan Agrees to Hand over Nuclear Material to United States." CNN. Cable News Network, 25 Mar. 2014. Web. 26 Mar. 2014.

It is very important that powerful countries around the world are worrying about the global situation. United Sates and Japan are making this agreements in order to benefit the enviroment. Japan is a country with big quantities of nuclear material thanks to the atomic bombas that Unites States dropped. In the article we can se the goal the US has with this plan, "The U.S. has a longstanding goal of reducing -- and safeguarding -- the world's stockpile of fissile material, in an effort to reduce access by terrorist groups, criminals and "unauthorized actors." ( McKirdy, 2014). The Japan goverment have show a great position and leadership toward the moment because they express their will of a world without nuclear weapons. Both countries are doing great things in order to prevent problems with nuclear material. 

   Photo credit: CNN. Japan and United States presidents. 

martes, 25 de marzo de 2014

Economic Hit Man

John Perkins wrote a controversial book (Confessions of an Economic Hit Man) reveling what he find out while he travel to South America and Asia working for the National Security Agency of the United States.
But what is an "Economic Hitman"? Perkins defines economic hit men as "Highly paid professionals who cheat countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars."

John Perkins speaks the truth about what he saw that happened in "third world countries" like Panama and Ecuador.  While he was implementing polices and convincing other countries to accept large amounts of money from the United States he realized morally and ethically, he felt it was wrong to create powerful countries at the expense of the less advantaged around the world.
Perkins speaks about his experience in Panama of how the United States helped Panama gain their independence but somehow the U.S got in control of Panama. He also talks about how Arnulfo Arias, a dictator was overthrew and Omar Torrijos emerged as a leader of state. Perkins admired Torrijoscommitment with Panama and compassion with the people. Perkins lived in Panama and he was shocked about the deaths of Presidents of Panama and Ecuador, people who gave hope, defended the poor and would have accomplish a lot more for their countries.


    John Perkins, author. 


"Confessions of an Economic Hit Man." Confessionsof an Economic Hit Manby John Perkins--theShocking Real-life Story of How America Built anEmpire on Third World DebtBerrett-KoehlerPublishersn.d. Web. 24 Mar. 2014.

domingo, 16 de marzo de 2014

What is Race?

There is no one single answer to the question "What is Race?" but most of the people think race is determined by the physical appearance. Society classify people by race according to some aspects that make a group of people similar. Biologically and based on the documentary "Power of Illusion" race is not what people can see, because in our genes is impossible to found a remarkable difference to tell that race is genetically true.
The documentary strongly shows how is impossible to classify people base on their genes. There are no specific characteristics that only a certain race have. Race is just a false idea that the majority of the society thinks can be defined by physical traits. "Power of Illusion" change my way of seen people, because it makes me feel that race doesn't because we all are part of one single race group of humans that inhabit the world.

Photo credit: creationrevolution.com 

Pounder, C C. H, Larry Adelman, Jean Cheng, Christine Herbes-Sommers, Tracy H. Strain, Llewellyn         Smith, and Claudio Ragazzi. Race: The Power of an Illusion. San Francisco, Calif: California Newsreel, 2003.

Car Bombs in Iraq

An article in The New York Times website wrote by THE ASSOCIATED PRESS is about a series of car bombs that exploded last Saturday in Iraq's capital. The total people affected by the explosions are around 30 persons and the total of dead people is 19. Not all of the cars exploded at the same time and in the same place but the interval between one explosion and the other is just of few minutes. According to the police the places affected were all commercial areas in which the damage could be bigger.

Link: http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2014/03/15/world/middleeast/ap-ml-iraq.html?ref=world 
MLA:  "Car Bombs Kill 19 People in Iraq's Capital." The New York Times. The New York Times, 15 Mar. 2014. Web. 16 Mar. 2014.

These attacks are frequently seen in Iraq. There are not only car bombs but also there are suicide attacks. According to the UN the last year they were more than 8,868 people killed in Iraq. The toll of violent death is very high and the authorities should take action over this. There are possibilities that the car bombs were caused by a group in the city that frequently commit violent attacks. Police should work on localizing the individuals to give an end to the group. 

   Photo credits: Ronald Shaw. 

domingo, 9 de marzo de 2014

Malaysia Airlines

The article "Disparate Theories on Fate of Jet as Search Grows" by the Journalist Thomas Fuller shows the theories of what could possibly happened with the airplane that departure Malaysia. The plane that had Beijing as destination despaired of the radars. Authorities of the country and some other countries are in the search of the plane but until the moment theres no clue. After checking the  documents of the 239 passengers of the plane authorities notice that two occupants of the plane boarded  the plain with stolen passports. There is an hypothesis that it might could be a terrorist attack. 
MLA: Fuller, Thomas. "Disparate Theories on Fate of Jet as Search Grows." The New York Times.The New York Times, 09 Mar. 2014. Web. 09 Mar. 2014. 

In my opinion after reading the hypothesis that the authorities gave I strongly believe that it could be a terrorist attack. It is very strange that two people in the same airplane ride the plane with stolen passports. It is very sad that 239 people died in the same accident and it is also a very hard situation for the relatives of the victims. I hope investigation can get a clear panorama of what really happens so families can be sure of the cause of this tragedy. 

   Photo credits: The New York Times. 

The Israeli wall on Palestine

The video I found on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpCtvZzfSzI is an anonymos video. It explain the issues that came with the creation of the Israeli wall on Palestine. The Palestinians are living all the consequences that cause this wall, the do not have any water resource. Also the farmers were fire from their land and they need a permission to visit their lands. Palestinians are completely limited and excluded from the land who still is their but the cruel Israelis are invading them. 

   Photo credits: CNN. 

domingo, 2 de marzo de 2014

Israel’s and Palestine’s gas and oil

The journalist Tel Aviv post on the economist an article in which he explains the situation between Israel and Palestine gas an oil conflicts. In this article we can understand what is happening with the transport of oil and gas of this countries. The obstacles Palestine have to export their gas and what the have planed for the future. The opinion of Israel is also shown, they think that Palestine plans are not possible.
Link: http://www.economist.com/blogs/pomegranate/2014/01/israel-s-and-palestine-s-gas-and-oil
MLA Citation: "Too Optimistic?" The Economist. The Economist Newspaper, 23 Jan. 2014. Web. 02 Mar. 2014.
In my opinion I think it is too optimistic that Palestine think they can export all that amount of gas to Europe and some other countries around the world. Looking forward to the conflicts and disagreements these two countries have had it makes very hard that things get well fast and that Palestine can transport their gas and oil by Israeli lands. For this to happen they first need to fix the situation and get to accords that then permit them to have negotiations for fulfill their expectations related to the gas and oil exportation and management.

   Photo took from: The Economist. 

Knife attack in China

On the Washington Post the journalist William Wan post an article about a knife attack in a train station in China. About 29 people were killed and 100 injured, some say it was a terrorist attack. The group of assailants was conformed of 10 men that some were shot dead and one captured by the authorities. An attack of this level is very rare in China. The blood was all over the floor and people trying to escape of the scene.
MLA Citation: Wan, William. Washington Post. The Washington Post, 02 Mar. 2014. Web. 02 Mar. 2014. 
I found this very interesting because it is something that we rarely hear to happen in China. I don't understand why assailants do not thing in things before doing them. What they cause are tragedies not only for a society but for each relative and family of the people affected in their attack. The reaction of the authorities was very effective that could capture and kill some of the participants of the atrocious case.

    Photo credits: Washington Post.

Caracas Chronicles

I found a blog http://caracaschronicles.com/2014/02/19/19f/ that show important photos and videos about the conflict in Venezuela. We can clan clearly see how the authorities are killing and harming civilians that protest for a better country. The written part explain us how the thing is going, and according to that, the police is the side of the conflict that shoots and the civilians are the ones being shoot. Take a look to the photos and videos they show the reality of what is happening.